Went to my first party SOBER!

Went to my first party since deciding to save my own life with sobriety.

didn’t drink a drop! (even when i was offered) no drugs even when offered, and left by 10, got home nice, safe and SOBER!


Yes! :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5: This is the best news I've heard all morning.

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Awesome! Sober is definitely where it's at!


Congrats. I know that took a lot. But you felt great for making those decisions

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Repeat.. repeat.. repeat

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Wow good for u!!! Offered to Dance with the Devil and u told him to KEEP STEPPN!!! Awesome!!! NY here also!!! Good job!!

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I’ve been sober for 5 years twice going on my 3rd time now. I finally realized it’s not worth the risk no more parties for me it works for awhile then I eventually give in no bars no parties for me my life - my kids are more important. Be careful!

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HUGE victory !! :muscle:

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That’s not easy - be proud of that accomplishment.

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There's a saying in recovery, If you hang out at the barbershop, sooner or later you're going to get a haircut. Parties are the barber shop, you can see where this is going.

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thanks y’all! i understand staying away from parties for sure, but this was my dads party so i made a quick appearance and stayed strong and i’m feeling as confident as ever these days about my ability to stay sober :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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Right On!

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SO PROUD OF YOU! Did you enjoy it or did it feel like work? I want to accomplish the same but my drinking is very socially and boredom based so I'm nervous.

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i had more fun than ever before, honestly! i could laugh and help with food or drinks for my friends or the kids, i could pick my own music cus everyone was too drunk to notice lol i got to watch everyone be silly and not ruin it for once! hugging everyone goodbye and getting home safe was nice. i got to wake up well rested with a LOT of photos to post with my friends :stuck_out_tongue:

I love hearing this. Really encouraging.