Went to my boss to tell him I needed help

Went to my boss to tell him I needed help. His response was the worst. I don’t ask for help much at all and when I do it never works . It’s always the wrong people I ask I. Suppose

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Many people don't get what is actually happening to people, and many are so myopic they can't see past their nose.

Ya it's hard to ask for help then when you do your turned down and left feeling unsupported. I've learned to rely on myself which can be very lonely. Hoping you find better support!! Keep your head up!!

Next notify the police u need help

It’s the Law your employer has to help you with getting help with addiction go to HR

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I’m sorry that was your experience. Some people don’t realize how much courage it requires to ask another person for help.

If this is the situation Katherine is going through, it’s possible that her place of employment doesn’t have an HR department :disappointed:

I’m sorry you had this experience. It can be really hard to ask for help. When we get turned down, it can definitely make us less likely to seek support the next time we need help. I hope it gets better for you soon

You have a legal right to seek medical help. Did he refuse to let you?