Went to a meeting the other day but Im still

Went to a meeting the other day but Im still a bit confused. With time I think Ill understand it more. Im still confused as to what a sponsor is and how to get one? I thought they were more like therapists? Lol

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Hi Liz! Sponsors are people that can help you along the path of sobriety with wisdom and knowledge. Preferably one who has been sober quite awhile. I suggest you find a woman who is a veteran of sobriety. Go to meetings, work the steps. If you have any questions, myself or others that you prefer would be glad to help. Just ask.

I would say a sponsor is more of a mentor type. They have been through the program and now are of service to others. The real neat thing is that actually being a sponsor is part of their program. So it is mutually beneficial:)

Never had much luck with sponsoring either way. I think the idea is just an AA friend that’s there to help. Don’t think of it as an authority figure. Just my humble opinion. Good luck.

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A sponsor is not your therapist & def don’t rely on them to coddle u or anything- a therapist will support you and tell you what you want to hear most times BUT a sponsor is there to aid you and take you through the steps. A good sponsor will not co-sign you and call you on your BS, they’ll have you call them almost every day & take you through the steps fairly quickly. be prepared for some hard truths as we are very selfish people in early sobriety / active addiction. As you work the steps those defects will be removed though. I’m so grateful for my sponsors kicking my butt I am a completely different person than I was in early sobriety & have been so blessed with a new way of living!!! message me if you have any questions :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart: