Well... Just had a total temper tantrum breakdown

Well... Just had a total temper tantrum breakdown on day 2 with a horrible headache that still is lingering. Totally hungry and can't get myself to eat. Wishing I had someone to be here with me. But I am a strong woman and will get through. So much more but that's what's up right now

Good morning Emma.

I’m sorry you’re having a rough day. Have you tried eating something light? Are you drinking more liquids?

I had cereal and yes water and Gatorade, I just don't have the energy to make something. I walk into the kitchen and just fall apart it's just a big task. I took 1)2 valium and it helped was able to calm down and make psn cakes. Thank you

Hi Emma. I’m glad you are and had something to drink.

Get plenty of rest.

Have you spoken with a doctor about how simple tasks are difficult?

Your not alone, Emma. I’m on day 2 of a insomnia cluster. Dreading the daytime fatigue that comes with. But, we are warriors, ya know. :kissing_heart: We will conquer this day.

Hang in there, you can do this!