Well I made it thru my day one! I’m

Well I made it thru my day one!! I’m hitting my head to the pillow sober tonight!! It feels great.




Thank you :blush:

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I have a silly question. How do you change your avatar to your picture? Mine just shows a j

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That’s weird that it does that

I’m not sure how or if you can change that

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Thanks. I guess I’ll just be a j

Well done J

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Congrats :confetti_ball::tada:

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H ok w was that first night? Are you going to get to a meeting today?

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Welco.e to day two. Glad day one was a success.


I had a hard time sleeping. My legs drove me crazy. I think I have restless leg syndrome.. so I took a sleeping pill snd listened to the calm app. And that’s the last thing I remember until this morning :relaxed:. Here I am headed into day 2. I scheduled out my day to the hour so I’m hoping that helps. I am going to try and find an on line meeting? Any suggestions??



Thank you!!

Way to go! :+1:

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Sleep will come in time. My dr prescribed trazodone in the beginning which is fairly common. It’s a mild antidepressant which also knocks you out. I took it for 3 months.

Now I take melatonin every once in a while, but mostly I sleep better than ever.

It will take your body time to adjust to the lack of booze.

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Its a hard at first thing,we all had to walk through it to get better, its a day at a time and hang on, its going to get real, change is the only thing that dose not change...hang in there

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Congrats Julie, keep it up..Nothing is Impossible..

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