Well I’m now back home.. still dealing with digs from

Well I’m now back home.. still dealing with digs from my husband idk if to much has happened that we might never be what we were and that truly breaks my heart.. we have been together since we were 18 were now 31.. I don’t know me without him…


You’re gonna be all right. You stick to doing for you.

If it continues after you you believe you’ve made some progress, held up your end of some promises/commitments, then have a conversation.

Little by slowly.

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Stay on your path. It’s a good one. 13 years is a long time, but you only have to concentrate on the here and now. HP will take care of the rest.

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Ty :heart:

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What kinda digs?

Like if I go get something for my son he’ll be like he won’t want that I know what he’s gonna need unlike you not being here for 90 days when I was gone for treatment things like that


Keep coming back

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Idk but he might be bitter about your absence. Why don’t you tell him how that comment made feel dissed. Don’t let it pile up.

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Just prove yourself! It takes time but you can do it with our support!!! You are a special person! Go for the good life and be set free!!!

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Just make sure you’re happy for the time being, without that recovery is difficult.

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That’s not too good. I understand how people can have resentments but it’s inappropriate to criticize that when it’s progress for you.

Start simple if you havent “you need to stop, now”.

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Yes, right on! The resentments didn't happen overnight, and the healing won't either. It takes time, and communication. It's really important to talk to each other, about what you're both feeling.

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I didn’t have to leave but I’m dealing with failing my husband too and currently working on repairing. I know he’s hurting but the not communicating is worsening my anxiety which is what makes me drink to begin with. The no drinking has been easier (only four day in) if I don’t listen to my brain fighting back and forth but the worry of losing a relationship is really eating at me. It’s hard and I know it takes time but I hope it gets easier. Also been with my husband for 10 years. Keep trying you’re best and stay strong. Know you are worthy. I struggle with that every second.

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