Well I just got dumped today:/

Well I just got dumped today:/ only been dating this guy for two months and was completely candid about my recovery and stuff but suddenly he feels like I'm not ready for a relationship right now:/ I'm so lonely and I dont have any friends since I recently purged the ones I've used with from my life.


I’ll be your friend.

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Don’t worry about a relationship right now just worry about being sober for the day relationship maybe a trigger for you this early in your sobriety :pray:


I do understand that and yeah he was probably right im just so lonely right now. I went to two meetings today looking for women to meet in recovery and did get some numbers today


I hear ya, I have no friends either, lol! Seems to be a common trend among us sober peeps. Hmu if you ever wanna chat.

I feel this. Turns out ALL of my friends were actually drinking buddies. I don’t think I’ve actually hung out with people or gone on a date my entire sober time. It is what it is I guess. Hang in there, the right person will come along and respect you for how strong you are in being clean.

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Sounds to me like you are better off without him.

I'm sorry you are going through that. If he wasn't supportive than he probably wasn't good for you. I'm lonely too now. I lost a lot of friends even before I got sober but stay strong. Your life and your health are more important. I'm here if you need an ear :ear: :slightly_smiling_face:

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You are beautiful and young and have your whole life ahead of you Also Jesus is always with you Just ask Him to help He helped me in 1997 to get sober

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Sorry.. yeah, I moved right before the pandemic hit so was wanting a fresh start but unable to make new friends.. don’t let this ruin your sobriety.. take it as a stepping stone to something and someone better.. strength and wisdom my friend

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Break ups can be super hard, that’s what initially made me go on benders. Yet, in the end it’s a good thing that it happened sooner in the relationship as oppose to 4-5 years like myself. You will eventually find friends that you can enjoy yourself with. I’m still searching myself for friends. Just don’t give up! You have a community of people that will listen and support you.

I've been in recovery for a little while what I've learned is that the friends I have in recovery are invaluable I do have associates that are not in recovery but I do not socialize with people who are using , learning to use sound judgment ( passed experiences ) is the key to having healthy relationships. I believe in you , much love & respect

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Typically, pursuing a rebound relationship while getting over the toxic relationship we were just in with drugs and/or alcohol is unhealthy for our early recovery. Looking for low impact remedies to reward ourselves, relax and escape will serve us. I was codependent on drugs and alcohol. That translates in to our early recovery. Hope you find what you seek, have a great day!

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We are all your friend on here so keep your chin up, focus on yourself and get excited about your future.

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It will get better. Keep reaching out to others in recovery and you'll be pleasantly surprised what comes back to you. But we have to reach out. Noone is going to come save us.


Hang in there

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I’ve been single for a while!! Haven’t dated in 4 years. I’m beginning to realize I pushed everyone away with my drinking. I used to go out all the time, but really don’t anymore. I’m try to take control of my drinking and completely stop. I’m trying it’s difficult though I get bored and drinking only changes my mind state. It’s hard to sit and watch tv alone I get bored. I have to keep myself busy when I try not to drink. I’m trying to realize how much I don’t like myself the next day, tired I sleep late and I hate it.

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I really don't think he was unsupportive. He may have experience with sobriety in some shape or form and felt that it was best you focused on that in the beginning. That takes courage and respect for someone to admit that.

Don't feel like you got dumped. I feel that he directed you to something healthier for you.

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Well im from Kansas and am looking to talk lol sober is life

Trust me it sucks but i know how it is. Lol my new born baby was born last Monday by my ex and we fight. And its like screw a relationship. But talking is a good coping skill.