Well I hit rock bottom again

29 m here good job good car used to have a great girlfriend (my drinking ruined that) I hit rock bottom again and I’ve reached out for help before just never really followed through I’ve been court ordered to outpatient rehabs before but never took it serious I’m tired of waking up and hating myself and the anxiety and depression I reached out to an old friend who is an addiction counselor and she got me set up to check into rehab Tuesday, also my boss is 11 years clean so he’s happy I made the decision and said my job isn’t going anywhere I’m glad I still have a good support system even after all the relationships I’ve ruined I am lucky. Also I’m pretty nervous to go stay in a rehab and have no idea what to expect so if anyone is around to give me some advice I’d appreciate it !!


Woohoo! Dillon you’ve just made the best decision of your life! Use your own advice and this time take it seriously. You got this.
I did 30 days at a treatment facility AKUA mind and body in Rancho Cordova California. I was actually 47 days clean and sober when I decided to go. I couldn’t grasp why my life was just going to shit even after I sobered up. I did 30 days inpatient. Was the best decision I ever made. I went into this with eyes wide open, hears on alert and I asked question. Did all the work they said to do. I even went to church every Sunday. Read the big book. Had one on one therapy. I’m now 592 days clean and sober. Working my program to the best of my ability. The best advice here is listen listen listen. Tell yourself this “I know nothing” once I realize this I became more receptive to the teachings of the big book, clinicians, and my higher power, God. Believe in yourself. Believe in change. You have a chance at something that some don’t get to experience. I’m forever grateful for AKUA! 


Sometimes you have lose something to gain a greater perspective and understanding. Rehab isn't all that bad if you surround yourself with positive vibes and receptive healing. Good luck, you have more power in yourself than you are aware of.


Everything you stated regarding addiction (alcohol, drugs, etc.)is pretty much normal. It takes what it takes to get us to sit down all the way and listen. When we get to the place where we are sick and tired of being sick and tired we are ready and it sounds like you're there. It's great that you still have a job when you're done. First things first. You have a lot to be thankful for. Remember that it's 10 miles into the woods and ten miles back out. You'll be okay. A journey of a Thousand Miles begins with the first step.


Hello Dillon! Sometimes it takes others longer to get what’s going on with them. The first time you did this you weren’t ready. Nobody can tell you what to do not even a judge. It took you some time to get sick of it. And once you finally realized that you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired you reached out to the right person. Your friend they get you into a rehab. It’s the best decision you ever made it’s the best decision I ever made as well. But I didn’t have any of that stuff that you have going into a rehab I have nothing. So I went through a rehab for 30 days and then did another three years between halfway house and supportive living. And I’m still sober today. One thing you have to look at is your self unless somebody already said listen listen listen while you’re there. Because nobody knows better what you’re going through then people that’s already been through it. So do what you Gotta do for yourself and you’ll be OK. Once you get out do 90 meetings in 90 days and get a sponsor. Good luck to you and remember you’re worth everything that you put into it.

Here’s a little sign to remember
 It works if you work at so work it because you’re worth it. Just remember that we’re all worth it


Thank you all I know I need to hit the reset button and get some help with my problem the closer I get to going to rehab the more I feel like I’m going to chicken out

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So much great advice here. You can do this. Keep the faith, stay committed! AA is a phenomenal program.

One of my favorite quotes from recovery is that if nothing changes, nothing changes. You can’t keep trying the same things expecting different results.

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And that’s been a revolving door I’ve been dealing with for years now I know I just need to man up and do this for myself

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Sorry you are stuck where you are right now, but honestly you are in a good place. Glad you are beginning the journey for you. Also congratulations on having a boss who is supportive. So many of us didn't have that.

I agree 100% I’ve noticed myself getting worse and I was already bad to begin with I was supposed to change when my relationship ended instead just got worse becoming the exact person she said I was and it’s hard to look in the mirror and accept that

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Yes and I have my parents and honestly my best friends who I thought were just going to tease me for it or call me a Pussy but they’re all actually on my side and said they were never gonna come out and say it but have been thinking I needed help and have seen the downward spiral they just didn’t want to hurt my feelings or get me mad even my boss has said that he notices when I come to work hungover he sees it in my eyes that I have a problem

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I did outpatient (voluntarily) -it was ok - but like aa better. I avoided inpatient like the plague but a couple of guys from aa really say it was great and saved their lives. I’d go with an open mind

Done both. Outpatient, self admitted, they take your phone so no distractions worked so well as a foundation. Christian therapy afterwards has been so helpful for me. Don't give up!

I wish I had the opportunity to go to an in patient facility. You are lucky if you are really serious. Stay focused and soak up all the information and stories you hear. God is presenting you with a gift, take full advantage.