Well here we are. A new night

Well here we are. A new night, and still can't sleep. Just so tired of this. Start my job Monday. There is a lot going on in my life/head. Just keeps coming back to its my fault. I did this to myself. Should just go to the store get a bottle of wild turkey and see where the night takes me. Got no one to talk to, got no one who cares……..f×××

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Ohhhh how I know the feeling !!!!!

Dont give in. Keep your head high !! U start work Monday that's awesome bro

Thanks Jay. Security at a hospital. Doing forni think 4 years and could move to the police department. Just a hard night

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Aw sorry work was rough !! Hospitals are insane right now especially with all l this covid shit !!! My sisters actually a covid ER nurse. She comes home crying at least 2 times a week

The sleeplessness will go away. If you go drink eventually you’ll have to start completely over. Don’t do it, if not for you for all of us. Your brain is trying to trick you, read about it. Alcohol is cunning.

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I know it will. I am on day 53 now. Its just some shit has gone down with me and the wife and its just hard right now

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Hey Chris I understand the want to drink again and give in. But try to remember why you got sober in the first place We are here with you

My son is one of the reasons why I did.

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Hi Chris. Don't give up. You have a lot going for you. You're sober, have a son who loves you do much, and found a job during COVID-19. Celebrate those. Learn from your mistakes. Keep ya head up.

Thank you. I can't wait to start my job. It will help a lot


One of the things that helps when stinkin thinkin creeps in is making a list of all the awesome positive things that have happened since getting clean and sober. You can start with getting a new job. Doing a grateful list has changed my perception completel.

hes a great reason to keep trying!

Hey Chris! We are here for you mate

Stay sober Chris and stick around this weekend there's good ppl. Here to help you through it. I go to AA every night at 6 pm texas time if you need the # it's a pretty cool bunch of ppl. And it's just a phone call meeting. I love it