Well hell…

Well hell… I got thru yesterday!
Slept well, although my back and shoulder hurt.. got most of one waffle down, and working on my smoothie.. I think I’ll throw on my headphones and hit the bike trail this afternoon..
thanks to everyone who’s reached out and been so supportive.. y’all are amazing :black_heart:


Sorry about your back and shoulder. I told you I didn't want to wrestle with you. See, you probably don't remember. Blackout. LOL
All kidding aside. You drank again because you believed the LIE. That this time everything will be okay. And it's not okay is it? Next time play the scene all the way through. You will end up if you're lucky right back where you're at right now. Sooner or later you have to be willing to walk through the pain. And you have to stop putting yourself into these places where alcohol is going to be. Even if it means quit hanging out with these people that you call friends or whoever they are to you.
If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always gotten. Meeting makers make it!

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I’m sorry… I didn’t use.. Or drink.. not sure who’s post you read lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: thanks tho! I’ve got a road ahead that’s for sure


I saw a post earlier from you that said you gave into two shots. I thought this last post maybe was the morning after

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Sorry my mistake. If you didn't drink that's good

That was my first post, yesterday, I meant two shots of dope :sweat_smile:
Got thru yesterday without tho! And today is a new day, just gotta get thru it, trying not to think too far ahead. One day at a time right? :relaxed:

Got ya. Yes, today is a new day. Same principles apply Holly. I haven't done too many drugs but I was most definitely addicted to alcohol. I couldn't imagine going a day without it. Next time you want to shoot up just remember to play the scene all the way through. If you're honest with yourself you're probably going to end up right back where you're at right now. When I say if you're lucky what I'm saying is if you're not locked up in a jail cell. Get with some women in one of the programs that have been sober for a long time and they will help you on your new Journey to having a good life and saying goodbye to addiction forever. Remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life. What you do with it is up to you. I've been sober for a long time and I'm here to tell you that it is definitely the easier softer way.

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I’m so glad you made it through. Now you’ve got a sobriety date. 6/12/21. Mines 5/31/20. I haven’t got any tattoos but if I ever do, that’ll be it.

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How was the hike?

How's it going Holly?