We’ll my first day. It’s the evening that scares me

We’ll my first day. It’s the evening that scares me.

go to a meeting then?

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I went to a meeting the first couple weeks in the evenings when I would usually drink. It fills the time, you are with other sober people then you can go home go to bed and clock another day you got through than do it again the next day. One day at a time, friend💗


Ok. Day 2. Here we are.


Great job getting to say 2. For me days 5-6 were the best

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Spend your evening at meetings

I can’t, I live on an island that has only 2 meetings a week. Ugh. I personally know all of attendees. Makes it hard for me.

Hi Scott,

The people at those meetings that you know, and that know you, are your lifeline. You may feel strange because it’s a small town, but that also means chances are pretty good that they already know what shape you’re in.

“I may tell anyone that I’m an alcoholic, but I may not tell anyone that you are”

That is read at the conclusion of all of our meetings. And it is taken very seriously. When I see someone from my group at the grocery store or gas station I most certainly say hello, but I would never out them socially.

And the anonymity between sponsor and newcomer is sacred. I have complete faith that my sponsor would die before he shared my step work.


Hi! There’s another app called i am sober - very helpful. You can do this!!!!

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Congrats on Day 2! HUGE. Yes online meetings can help too! Darn wish there were more for you. But you can make it work. One.dat at a time or.one hour at a time. Keep going​:+1::+1:

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How are you doing today Scott?

So far so good. Thanks

Still going good. I’m going to kick this devil back to hell

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