We have to walk through the pain

Been sober a long time. My life is much better than it used to be but my wife and I do have our moments. Not very often does it get bad but it does now and then and it did today.

I'd be lying if I told you that the thought of drinking doesn't ever cross my mind. Even though the obsession has been lifted,, I'm still an alcoholic Not very often but it does. I'm always telling newcomers to play the scene forward and how it will end. And you have to learn how to walk through the pain.

Well, I'm here to tell you, that advice isn't just for newcomers but all of us including me. Yes that feeling of discontent and irritability can suck. Life doesn't just become a bowl of cherries just because we get sober. But we get better at handling problems of life one day at a time without a drink or a fix.

It gets easier but we still have use the tools that we hopefully learned in early sobriety.