We do recover!

I swear you can be happy if you keep on not drinking. I never thought life could be this good back before 2013. I'm proud of my 23 year old self for getting help back then. I'll be 31 tomorrow and can't believe how good life has become. I'll never forget where I came from, but I'm only going forward. We do recover, keep coming back.


Happy almost birthday! Other young ppl need to hear stories like yours to know getting sober in your 20s-30s is actually the bomb :sunglasses:

Thank you! Yes I am so glad I took my life back way back then. I didn't wanna live like that forever. My old life was scary. I'm glad I listened to the professionals at destination hope in ft Lauderdale. Highly recommend that place. When did you get sober, Allie?

I wish I would have gotten myself sober back then. Kudos to you for your maturity, you are wise beyond your years :blush:

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I first got sober in December of 2016. I did drink one weekend in May of 2017 and so reset my day count. Went to treatment in Atlantic City and have been sober ever since :pray:t3:

Happy birthday Agi! I'm glad you're doing so well! I wish I would have figured it out sooner myself… I spent my 40th bday in detox :sweat_smile: but I can't change the past and I'm doing the dang thing now so I'm pretty proud of myself

Thanks for the love everyone! Hey no matter what age, good job to us for choosing the sober life. Never to late to better ur life.