We all have a Treasure Chest of Knowledge, Wisdom and

We all have a Treasure Chest of Knowledge, Wisdom and Experience! We have been collecting this treasure all our lives. I tell people the answer to your problems are already inside of you. All you have to do is go into your treasure chest and pull out what you need it is right there inside. All the lessons and answers are right there. The mistake we make is that we look to the outside for our answers. We have to be reminded that what you need you already possess . We keep filling our chest with knowledge but knowledge without wisdom is just information. It’s the combination of the two that creates Experiences! Treasure is not meant to be buried it’s meant to be given away! Find someone who can help you unbury you’re treasure and recognize how valuable you really are to others. Tell your story to someone. When I leave this world I want my treasure chest Empty!


This is awesome! :clap:

It’s true. To an a certain extent, everything we need is already within us - love, compassion, etc. This is a spiritual outlook, thanks

I love this, it is just unfortunate some of us have lost the key to our treasure chest.

"Treasure is not meant to be buried it's meant to be given away." That resonates with me most.

I'm supposed to use my talents to benefit others.

Great post!