Was there one incident that was the catalyst to you

Was there one incident that was the catalyst to you getting sober? For me it was several. I had heard of a local toddler drowning in the family pool while her dad was asleep, drunk on the sofa. A few days later I fell asleep drunk on the sofa while my 3 year old entertained herself. I woke up and couldn’t find her. The first thing I did was check the pool. I found her safe in her bedroom, but the reality of what could have happened stuck in my head. There were a few other incidents which led to my sobriety, but this was the most important.

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One. But you could easily see the trail of how I got there.

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My mother brought my oldest daughter to visit me in jail, she was 8

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I got arrested and put in jail on my daughters 9th birthday. She was with me.

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I was driving drunk and veered off the road instead of into oncoming traffic. I thought that I could've killed someone. No one came to the hospital to see me. So I sat and thought about it. That was May 1, 1995. Never craved, never drank again. When I could, I got myself to an AA meeting, got a sponsor and kept going to AA, taking it a day at a time. It wasn't easy, I had a strong sponsor who challenged me and my thinking. Looking back, I had wrecked my car, ended my marriage, had no support from my family and of course had a DWI on my record. Coming up on 26 years of hard fought for sobriety. But that car wreck knocked some sense into my head, I guess. In more ways than one.


While drunk one evening I hit my wife and was hauled off to jail. Now my family is broken and I’m filled with guilt.