Was clean for 2 years had a relapse and now

Was clean for 2 years had a relapse and now coming up on 4 months clean I’m new to the app just glad I’m here


Welcome. That’s awesome! Congrats on 4 month’s! Take it one day at a time...


Thanks!!!! Yep one day one hour one minute one second some days lol

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I totally understand that!! Your here and that’s a minute your talking to me and not taking that drink.

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4 months?! Holy cow. That is an accomplishment. I'm working the NA program myself. I have a sponsor and am working Step 7 atm. I also put myself on a "90 in 90." I relapsed about 5 years ago. Currently, I have 3 years and 5 months clean.

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Congrats and welcome! I get it. I had 10 years and now 8 months

Congratulations on 4 months


I've been in your shoes... welcome to the group. Congrats on 4 months.

My second attempt and still at 20 years later. 5 years my first time. Hang in there and welcome :pray:t4:

Don't give up. Do you have a sponsor and did you work the steps? Just curious. Keep coming back :+1:

Let's keep it going, girl! You got to 2 years before which is totally amazing to me! What advice would 2 year sober you give to 4 month sober you? (Besides 'don't relapse ' :wink:)

One day at a time Amanda . You got this!!! Welcome back!!!

Progress not perfection.

Hope you’re still doing well! Mistakes happen as long as you stay focus on the goal; and you take it day by day you’ll be ok. Don’t stress over the relapse just try and figure out what may have triggered it if possible and have a plan for if those triggers ever arise again
