Was clean and staying strong I to my recovery since

Was clean and staying strong I to my recovery since June of 2020 but I got into some legal trouble this most recent FEB 24 and did 21 days I. Jail and upon release they stuck me in a halfway house and told me I wasn't allowed to go home too my house I own and as well neither the other property I own .??? So I stayed inline on the straight and narrow until I had a slip up ...FIRST ONE SINCE I (ON MY OWN ACCORD) STARTED ON MY JOURNEY TOWARD PERMANENT SOBRIETY. . ITS B.S because I have had no irge too us or even associate with users and was doing spectacular until all this stress has taken over and I went autopitlotonthe dope plain ..so now not only am I enveloped in shame I'm full of hatred and feel let down by our judicial system of it weren't for the bullshit scheme they threw on me out of nowhere I'd not have ever had too experience the issue of a relapse because I was on the most positiveof dates mentally and the day I got arrested was one of the absolute best feeling in forever until I got hemmed up. N the judge thinking it'd be safer for me too stay in a halfway home and that I'd fail of anything otherwise now looks too me as a fucking imbasull because I've ruined my inner price as well as the longest sober streak I've endured in 15 years. I'm so lost ,gone and just blahhh I feel like it don't matter anymore wish I could re gain my motive and intentions of absolute fullness toward my love fe again like I did have and it got stripped away injusya single few seconds andd a few weeks of stress ...Lord if your there forgive a man who had intentions of purity and his surrounding influence shot it too hell and made him a loss of ingenuity

Skylar, I am trying to find a way to say this without hurting you, but here goes. The mentality of "they made me" is setting yourself up for failure. What lead to your run in with the law? Was it something you did? Did they hold a gun to your head and make you use? The only person responsible for our actions is us. Personal responsibility is the biggest step towards sobriety.