Want to

Want to stop! Need a game plan! Any help work, others around me falling as well!

Get to meetings asap

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U got the want to stop part in motion now you have to comity yourself to helping others keeps your brain on the program get creative and do your steps 1 2 3 start there read your a a book work the steps

It is important to develop a good plan for change in anything, escepially a bad habit you are trying to get rid of. Read and research a lot. Google and read articles, then choose a path that you think can work best to change the habit you want to change. Support groups , outpatient programs, and inpatient programs can be a real helpful tool if you are struggling.

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What the Coach said! I make meetings and I am clean and sober over three years. IT WORKS. Meetings are online atm via Zoom App. :+1::pray::statue_of_liberty::blush:

Thank you!