I’ve also had numerous suicide attempts in my past so I can relate. I did have a few failed attempts at sobriety because I guess I wasn’t desperate enough for it and I was also following my own plan (which got me in that position in the first place.). I finally surrendered to the process. I, personally, know that it would be my mental health that would take me back “out”, so taking care of that has to be my #1 priority. Just recently I could feel myself getting angry and slipping, so I emerged myself back in the program and surrounded myself with other sober people who could relate to what I was feeling. It did wonders! Just keep reaching out!
Cool post. Great feed. I’m almost 3 years and really appreciate the site and people on it wherever they are in their journey. Thanks for posting that engaging query Catherine. I think one great piece of advice I got was that every day of sobriety being there for someone who’s trying to get the first step down makes you stronger! I went into rooms hungover for so long with the desire to quit drinking. I’m very lucky no one gave up one me.
Wow good reading. I had 7 years in March. Today I learn more from new comers that I do veterans. Reminds me of where I came from. I’ve relapsed on pot but haven’t drank in around 11 years. I once was chairing a meeting and said that relapse was part of recovery. Got a lot of negative feedback. Not everyone in recovery has relapsed. The program tells us to welcome the new comers relapse or not. I know how I felt having to come back to the rooms. I was asked did you remember what you learned? Did you make it back? Yes was the answer. Than I was told to quit being so hard on myself. Kinda snapped me out of my putty pot. I’m glad I found Loosid and I’m on here a lot. I will welcome new comers after a relapse or not.
It’s not “only 23 days”. It’s 23 days!! Don’t ruin your streak!! That’s what I tell myself.
Thank you for expressing your vulnerabilities! You’re right. Maybe I’m overthinking it and just need to reach out. Misplacing my need for support with the unnecessary judgement of others? Am I blaming others for my unhappiness lol because i DO get very angry sometimes.
You're right damn it, it's 23 freaking days!!!! Thanks🤗
I guess. If I were completely honest, I hate seeing alcoholics actively suffering because when my dad is drunk or my boyfriend is drunk, they are just AWFUL ppl and then I go online and there are more drunk people on my sober groups than on my regular Facebook. It feels like I’m surrounded!! So how do you always be there for the alcoholic when they’re just so MEAN to you?
Dude. You’re 7 days from a whole month. And you already did 7 days more than 3x!!! Easy peasy lemon squeezy
I’m glad nobody gave up on you either thank you, It’s really encouraged me to not be so triggered by relapsed and to help others too.
Well, I am fortunate not to spend much time with people while they are drinking, and zero time with people who are drunk.
When I’m speaking of being there for the alcoholics who still suffer, I’m referring to the ones who want to stop but haven’t figured out how yet.
People who relapse are here to show me it doesn’t get any better at anytime! And yes they do need help. 34 years.let’s go help.
It's a journey
You’re right. Let’s go help. I like that attitude