Vision Casting

What is a goal you want to achieve in the next 90 days? How do you plan to achieve it?

I planned to be ESL instructor certified. I’ll be attending an online course. Towards the end of the course I intend to create and implement a teaching syllabus to gain exposure.

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Awesome prompt! I actually spent NYE making a vision board but haven’t actually looked at it in a while :woozy_face: I recently invested in a personal trainer, so in the next 90 days I want to do my best to follow his guidance and become physically healthier


That’s awesome Allie.

I have not created my vision board, yet, because I was extremely focused on recovering from my sprained knee. It’s about 90% better. So this weekend I definitely plan to create my vision board.

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Move out of the apartment and into a house that I can make a home.


Hopefully 90 days sober


Nice! Have you found a realtor?

It's achievable! Is today Day 1?

Not yet. Might end up renting first but the goal is to have a home again. Soooo much better than an apartment!

Both renting and buying has its pros con. I enjoy apartment living over a mortgage because I am not responsible for maintenance.

Glad you’re almost 100% healed :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Finish my current grad class. After this one, only two left til I have my master's!!

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Thank you.

Yes! :raised_hands:t5::raised_hands:t5:

June 30 will be 2 years since I've completed by MBA!

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You go girllllll!! Goals

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Thanks friend.

You, too, have amazing goals.

My 90 day objective is to have the flooring and equipment set up in my studio. Just as I was typing this post I took a call and signed up my first two clients!

#rxfitnessrecovery :muscle:t2:

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Have my house ready to sell or find a house I want. Lots and lots to do. Just have to take it one day at a time.

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Yes! Congrats Kevin. This is awesome.

In the future do you plan to offer virtual classes? These may be live or pre-recorded.

House buying and selling is quite a bit of work. Have you considered buying land to have a house belt? I have no experience but I've heard from many that the process for building a house is easier than buying a house pre-built.

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At this point, the subdivision I’ll be moving to will be the easiest for me. I lived there for 18 years and the houses are perfect for what I need now. :heartpulse:

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