Venting. I’ve been trying to quit for years

I’ve been trying to quit for years. On and off I go. I know alcohol will be the death of me but I still drink. I have put myself through so much while drinking. I’ve only been a couple of hours sober. I scare myself. I feel powerless and I need help


Hi Gene. Are you doing this on your own? Have you tried a recovery therapist? Meetings?

I wouldnt say totally on my own. I have my families support. I am in meetings, or recovery groups yet. That is my next step

Hey, thank you, I am here for you also

def Find a sponsor to help you through this I tried to do it for years on and off and it never worked till I let go and got a sponsor to guide me through this road less traveled. Try 90 meetings in 90 days, and service.:+1:

The first step is to get to an online or in-person meeting. Once you're there, talk to another male in the room. It is great to talk to someone who knows excatly how you're feeling. One day at a time.

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Thank you for your advice!

Will keep that in mind!