Ughhh well that was 2 months of me trying

Ughhh well that was 2 months of me trying and then failing this weekend! So frustrating! I got into this I’m bored attitude, it’s the fourth. One beer will get me out of this mindset - will two days later I’m drinking pedialyte and trying not to go into deep depression or have panic/anxiety attacks. I’m still all up in my head trying to fight the “you suck thought” and facing this day. Going to work, still mentally struggling but um day 1 again :tipping_hand_woman::rage:. I got this! Good luck to you all who struggle on this bus with me! Glad I’m not alone! Hoping this helps by venting


It gets worse never better.

Get to some meetings. Find a good home group. Somewhere you feel welcome and comfortable. The first weeks are tough. Once your mind clears away the fog you will realize what you have been missing and start making progress. There disease is powerful. Your mind is tricked. Treat yourself right. It's cunning, baffling, powerful. Be strong.


Good news is you had a learning opportunity. The bad news is you had a rough few days. Take the lesson and put it in your book. It will be part of your manual to succeed.


Cunning, baffling, powerful..

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Thanks guys for your replies!

Congrats on day one! Obsession of the mind and disease of perception.
To get out of my head I turn to God, my higher power of my understanding. Once I had the realization that I don’t have the power to control everything around me and I can give my will to God my life changed. Keep coming back.

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I'm sorry, JD. I'm proud of you for choosing to start over.

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That’s ok JD. Don’t beat yourself up. Get back up and back on track. You got this.

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Morning JD! Welcome back.Thanks for sharing and sorry about your relapse. But don’t worry you’re still welcome in this family. you may fall then will still be here for you. But the best thing is you came back and that shows that you still want this. There’s only one thing required for this family and that’s the desired to stop drinking. We are all in this together. One thing we help one another because we understand where people are coming from. So just keep putting 1 foot in front of the other and move on. Use this as a learning experience in the recovery.

It does get better and it does get a little easier. But don’t let the demon beat you you beat that demon do you have what it takes I know you do.

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You don’t suck! The addiction is that little voice which says “just one beer.” People relapse, and now you know that little voice isn’t right.

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