Ugh I want to quit smoking cigarettes so bad...the constant

Ugh I want to quit smoking cigarettes so bad...the constant can I have, do you have, save me some Bullshit, is for the fucking birds. If one more person asks me I’m gonna lose it.

If anyone ask you what you’re gonna lose it.

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I am a former smoker myself. I quit almost 2 years ago. Cold turkey. Three years ago I spent a week in the hospital because I couldn’t breathe. Doctor told me I had COPD emphysema. But I kept smoking in and out of the hospital because of my breathing. Then one time I was in the hospital got diagnosed with chronic heart failure. And diabetes on top of my COPD got out of the hospital that week. Had cigarettes in my car I lit One up in smoke in it sitting at a red light. And I looked at myself in the mirror and said self what the fuck are you doing to yourself. I threw the cigarette away and a whole pack of cigarettes out the window and I haven’t smoked cents. Learn my lesson and now I can’t Work and I can’t walk very far. And I’m only 61 years old

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I hope this helps you a little bit

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You can quit. Politely ask people to stop asking you for cigarettes.

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Thanks guys. I’m aware I sound like a two year old throwing a tantrum. I was able to figure out why the situation made me so upset, by making a meeting. In short, I had to surrender my will to God yet again. My will only makes things worse and I started the day and continued on a path that was all self will. It wasn’t until 8 o’clock this evening that I had the awareness to get my ass to a meeting. A little disappointed in myself no doubt about it. Lesson learned.

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