Trying to manage an addiction

Trying to manage an addiction without awareness of its psychology is like trying to subdue a :tiger2: while you're wearing a blindfold.

Trust me, I'm not :lion:.

Love this! I was not able to get sober until I really researched how the mind and body is effeced. Sober one year now. No treatment, no medications, and cold turkey. Food really effects the body and mind. Clean eating helps a lot. I read a book 20 years ago by Tosca Reno called Clean Eating. This was before drugs. I now use all her advice today. Who knew something like the food you eat is so important for sobriety.


I need someone I can actually trust to speak to about my issues I have been frightened to keeping everything a secret for so many years that I don't know where to begin and I want so bad to be over this already I'm 56 years old I'm struggling and not as much as I used to but still struggling and I hate it

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Hey Lisa, what type of help are you looking for? Therapy, counseling, local support group, online meetings, recovery coach, or something else? There are plenty of 12-step and non-12-step options available. Plus, I offer a lot of free stuff on that might be helpful for you. I added you as a friend in case you want to chat privately or you can just leave another comment on this post. Just let me know which option sounds best to you and I'll give you some recommendations.

Haha! I'm not going to try with or without a blindfold. :joy: Glad you liked the post, bro. Have an awesome day! :facepunch:

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Thanks! Yes, food is super important. It's one of the first things I mention to my clients. I'm glad you're doing well and making progress. Keep it up, my friend. Have an awesome week! :facepunch:

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Hi Lisa. I’m new to this app and don’t yet no my way around here but feel free to privately message me. I am available to listen and am happy to give you my phone number.