Trying to make it through the night

Trying to make it through the night without drinking.
Boredom. Loneliness. Why bother? All there.

I feel this comment especially the why bother part. But there is a reason and deep down you know that reason write it down and pounder on it awhile.. that might help.

Find an AA meeting and speak and tell everyone how you are feeling. It’s so easy to find a Zoom meeting. The room is filled with people who embrace the newcomer. As they say, the newcomer is the most important person in the room. Remember, recovery is not for people just need it. It’s for people who who want it. Be open, honest and share in meetings like your life depends on it. Recovery is work. But, you will discover a new person. Remember— we empower ourselves every time we accept responsibility for choosing the thoughts and feelings we act on. Choose behavior that encourages happinesses is often as easy as any other choice. Go to a meeting, listen, speak, get number and use them. It feels weird at first but with practice it becomes normal! And, like the promises say, if we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through.

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Someone should add me up. Cos I am new here

How are you doing today? Did you weather the storm safely?

Hang in there

You are stronger than you think.

You doing ok Sunflower we are here for you :pray::pray: