Trying to get thru the first 48hrs is always so

Trying to get thru the first 48hrs is always so hard. But the key is to not give up. If you don’t get it this time it’s not the end of the world, when you keep trying is what makes the difference. I’ve been trying to get clean every weekend for the past 8 weeks. I finally have suboxone and comfort meds to help. Now I just need people to talk to. Feel free to add me and chat, I always am looking to talk to someone about this topic because it’s so hard to do alone.


How you doing brother?

In the same boat: been trying to change for the last few months. I'll do ok for a few days then fall off the wagon. Today is another day 1 and I just feel anxious and listless and shitty. I know it will get better. Living alone has been a blessing and a curse....not tempted to drink with someone else, but no one to talk to or bond with. Usually I'm fine being alone. Today's just been a turd.

I’m good man, just trying to get thru the week and try again this weekend. I work 50 hrs a week and can’t be sick at work so I have to keep attempting on the weekend. One good thing is I’ve lowered my use a lot. That’s one thing that makes me not feel like a complete failure lol how are you doing

It’s a shit situation to be in, living and using alone is not a good place. None of my friends use, only me at this point. It’s a good thing but hard at the same time because there is no way they can understand what we go thru. That’s why I started this app, to meet people in the same situation and have people to talk to who actually understand and will help each other get thru it. We all need someone to lean on during the hard days. The most important thing is to keep it up and not give up on yourself . We do get clean, it just takes others more time than some. If not today, there’s always tomorrow. I refuse to say I’m powerless against it

Do you have any pto? Some sick leave could be used to get the detox under your belt. From there it is a daily walk. Find a zoom meeting that is when you get off if you haven't already.

I’m here if you ever need to talk

I used a lot of it at the beginning of the year so I’ve been saving up my time since then, so I probably have a day or two. I also now a a prescription for subs and a dr finally . I didn’t have insurance until June so I was trying to do it all on my own.

Glad you have a doc. Keep plugging brother you got this.

Thanks man, I have found talking about it helps keep my mindset right. One of the main reasons I created a profile on here

Get to NA meetings they are just like family and they have been there!