Trying to get off heron but it’s not letting me

Trying to get off heroin but it’s not letting me go I don’t know how much longer I can do this honestly I’ve finally found a good job and I know I’m gonna lose it agin if I don’t get clean and stay clean! I tried cold turkey but kept fainting and couldn’t make it😭 any advice is welcome this is serious and I need some serious help without going into a program.

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Have you tried MAT?

Jessica, I just helped a friend of mine who I know my whole life he was doing meth and I had no clue. Is there someone in your life that you can confide in and talk to about anything? It took me 2 months but I got him to go to a 14 day detox and after the 1st day fully clean he called me crying to tell me he should have listened to me months ago. But my best advice is if your not getting sober for your self and yourself first then it will not work, that job you found finally will be short lived if you are not wanting to get sober for yourself, I first got sober on oct 12th 2014 for my wife and kid not myself and it lasted 8 months and I made very good money but always was getting high. I purchased my own car dealership 24 days before the lock down last year it made my drug use worse prescription meds mixing them and I made it through the year business did ok not the best but my wife and I grew apart my son and I lost our bond that was never broken, but on January 13th this year after leaving my house and sleeping in my dealership I decided to get clean for me not anyone else cuz if you are not doing it for you how can you take care of a family or hold down a job. I am here when ever you need to talk. I finally got my family back my mom talks to me now brother uncle all those who were the closest to me my whole life, and finally I’m speaking with my wife on the phone but I put the work in and just yesterday I went to visit my lawyer to take care of a violation the township gave my business and he has not seen me since I got sober and he is been part of our family for 30years he believes in me and he asked for my wife’s number and called her and she agreed to come in this week coming up to come up with a plan that I have to abide by so she will let me come back home I’ve been spending 3000 a month on hotel but if it gives her the time to heal and she lets me home to prove to her this time is for real. I’ll take it. Get off the heron I lost two of the closest ppl in my life my older brother and best friend with In 6 months of eachother due to that drug. Got a text someone else passed last night and 2 days before x mas my mechanics cousin passed. Reach out if you need help.


That's a very tough way to go, I hear it is very painful, never tried it, but then there are some things worse, a partner after 10 years dies might be one of them.

Jessica you might need professional help.
I wish you would go to a rehab at least for a weekend to kick.
They can't make you stay no matter what they may tell you. at least that way you can have medical help and medicine for at least a couple days. They will most likely give medicine to get through the week so you can go to work.
Start looking up medical assured rehab s other wise hospital will some time let kick a couple days.
I wish all the best.ill pray for you.

I highly suggest mat not methadone. Methadone is just a new monkey

First of all , pray about it. Believe in yourself. Know that it’s possible. I used meth/heroin/alcohol/benzos for 22 years. I’ve been clean for 10 months, however I did go to treatment for 30 days and I’m on Suboxone. I attend NA meetings almost daily. If I can do it , anyone can. I used to not say that bc I’d read it and think, ugh you don’t know where I’ve been or what I’ve done. But at the end of the day none of us are any worse or any better than the other. We all suffer from a disease that is progressive and fatal unless arrested

First of all , pray about it. Believe in yourself. Know that it’s possible. I used meth/heroin/alcohol/benzos for 22 years. I’ve been clean for 10 months, however I did go to treatment for 30 days and I’m on Suboxone. I attend NA meetings almost daily. If I can do it , anyone can. I used to not say that bc I’d read it and think, ugh you don’t know where I’ve been or what I’ve done. But at the end of the day none of us are any worse or any better than the other. We all suffer from a disease that is progressive and fatal unless arrested.

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How are you doing

Good luck with your wif

You need detox and remember it will be hard bit worth the pain ...stay positive and remember it never to late. My biggest fear was dying a addict or my life purpose was a waste I did it for myself and my children :broken_heart:kept me straight

Clean 9 yrs but thought I could substitute one for another until alcohol and Xanax almost killed me 13 days ago so I come back into these rooms a newbie but have alot to share so add me anytime u need a friend

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Why no program if I may ask? Serious help is out there but if you can't detox help can only do so much. There are programs that don't include long hospital stays.

If you really can’t go into a program maybe detox followed by NA meetings. I used H for 10
years and am now a bit over a year clean. It took me many tries. All I can say is there will always be more jobs, there is only one you. I believe in you..wishing you the best, take care of yourself. :heartpulse:

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