Trying to get back to sobriety

Trying to get back to sobriety. I've tried so many times it seems impossible....

I struggled for 10yrs before i found success. What changed things for me? I had a true moment of clarity. If i didn't do something i would surely die a skid row drunk. So i made a deal with myself. I would give recovery one more try and if i failed that would be it. I would seal my fate. Interesting things happened. I put myself into rehab for the 3rd time and there i discovered it was the same old shit. No magic no silver bullet. Just the same stuff that was tought to me the other two times. I did what was suggested and for the first time in my life. I got honest with myself. I got a sponsor and i worked the steps and did everything exactly the way its laid out in the first 164 pages of the big book. That was 9yrs ago on the 27 of this month. My life is far from perfect. But its the best one ive ever had and i wouldnt trade it for the world



don’t give up. “it takes what it takes.”