Trying to get and stay sober

Trying to get and stay sober


Hi Kathy....I too am fighting this...I am on day 10


You can do it! Get a sponsor and work the steps and go to meetings as many as possible

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Me too girl! Hang in there!


I enjoy going to DD meeting, it’s a must for my recovery, hit me up any time if you need to talk,, Really I’ve been clean from Coke , and rock since, 12-6-06. CLEM.... always.

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Awww...look @ u & ur BEAUTIFUL wife!! What a great-looking couple! Best of luck fighting for ur recovery! One day @ a time. Before u know it, day ten will become day 11, then day 12, then 11 weeks, and 11 months. U GOT this!! Just keep plugging away

Hi Kathy- I'm Amy. Keeping plugging away at this!! If u need a sober friend.. feel free to reach out

I too am fighting this!! Everyday make an excuse!! Get a couple days drink make excuses. I’m tired of being tired

A noble act in a one legged ass kicking contest.

I’d like to do this too!

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Work on making today
Each day it generally gets a little easier

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Sorry to hear ur struggling Anthony... reach out if ya need a sober friend.

Take it 1 day at a time. When necessary, take it 1 moment at a time.

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Some days is one breath at a time. You can do it.

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Find something you enjoy doing that helps keep your attention. When I first got clean I made a ton of random crafts and wrote a novel lol. Anything that helped me keep my mind busy.

Keep your eye on the carrot :carrot:

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