Truths & Lies

What truths has sobriety told you?

How did addiction lie to you?

Main truth for me was and is God can and will, if I let him.

The lie was I believed my life was the way it was because that’s the way God wanted it to be……..until I was told I needed to get a new concept of who God was, that was the first major event that got me trudging the road to happy destiny.

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I know what you mean. Your experience is 1 reason why I hate the term "It's God's will" when terrible things happen [to people]. There's a difference between His will and what He allows.

Thanks for sharing.

That my triggers and trauma is something I have to take care of. Numbing myself for 20 plus years really put a toll on my life, family, husband and bank account.

My sobriety put into focus on how much trauma and PTSD I buried inside for way too long.

Sobriety has taught me what a needy person I am. Always needing approval.
Addiction lied and told me I had all the answers, that I had control, that I was a kind and thoughtful person. Alcohol lied and told me I was awesome...:pensive:

Good morning!

The truth that sobriety has told me is that I’m a worthy human. I’m allergic to alcohol! I can make good choices.

What addiction lie to me about was that I could live a life full of lies, manipulation and how I can control the world to do what I want it to do.

WITH Sobriety I'm accomplishing my Dreams..WITH addiction made me just dream without accomplishing anyting.. if it makes any sense

Truth: I can change & choose.
Lie: I have to use.

Truths: I can live life on life's terms.
Lie: No one can or should live life on life's terms...