True or False

Forgiveness doesn't require reconnection.

It depends on the situation. I will say this though, if you continue to talk about the situation, you have not forgiven.




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I would say it depends.
If someone is deceased you can certainly forgive them in your own heart. If someone has been seeking forgiveness from me for a long time then I should be willing to meet with that person face-to-face if I'm truly ready to forgive them. Having said that, if a woman was raped and she was ready to forgive the person that raped her, I doubt very highly that she would want to meet them face-to-face. I would say every case is unique.

False. Forgiveness is an act I do for me not the other person. It is me who the resentment affects. I used to have a warped sense of forgiveness, kinda like, "I forgive you. You're welcome." I now realize that forgiveness frees me from the bondage of resentment.

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False because it starts with you and ends with you so the only way to feel better is to not allow yourself to be affected by the situation

True. Especially I found this in a situation where me making amends would only make it worse but, in that relationship he had also done wrong to me. I have to forgive him to move forward.

I’m thinking of a person whom I have forgiven, who doesn’t believe that he’s ever done anything requiring forgiveness.

I’m not going to vocally forgive him, because it will be drama I don’t want or need.

True. I can forgive someone I don't have to willingly see again. A lot of times the people I'm forgiving don't see a problem with thier actions so yes even though forgiveness is for me, I can also choose to stay away from encounters that will create more harm.

Sidenote: if God/HP/greater universe etc flat out puts that person in my path, yes, I have to act accordingly.

In early sobriety all I kept hearing was Surrender it, if you don’t “Surrender” it you will drink, so I said “ok HOW do I know when it’s “surrendered?”, well it’s truly surrendered when it’s not having an effect on you. And if that’s not enough I focus on what the HOW of this program is Honesty, Openness, Willingness.


Personally, I would say false. I'm not implying that you must be his/her friend/acquaintance again. Interests, lifestyle may prevent that from happening. But if your issue is the only thing stopping reconnecting then it's truly not forgiveness. Don't get me wrong there are some exceptions, i.e., you were raped or physically abused in another way or mentally abuse.

But if someone simply hurt your feelings and the person who sinned against you is trying to make things work, then one should reconnect.

Forgiveness is for us as much as it is for the other person. I want to live in freedom.