Toxic relationships and Active users

The negative environment will only hurt your sobriety…. remember this is a time for self. I feel like a restraining order is needed for your wellbeing.

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Praying for you Cassidy. Take care of yourself and surround yourself with people who uplift you.

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You lost me at he his an active user if you are in recovery personally I do not think you should be with someone that is using

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He keeps promising to get sober. I guess I am holding out hope that he will change. He's been clean since the 30th and is trying every day to do better. I told him if he uses again I'm leaving him. I also have court today and I told my therapist hes hit me. I think my judge will issue a no contact order.

Sister I was an addict just like you and you know the Pattern so move on you are not losing anything I am sure you are strong woman love you be good and do good