Tough weekend

Tough weekend. I’ve realized that even being around alcohol I have a hard time controlling myself. It was my birthday weekend and was doing well until last night. Had a relapse and being really hard on myself today.

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Sorry you had a hard weekend. Good news is this is just one more layer of foundation to sobriety. You learn a lesson and apply it. Keep going it ain't over till its over.


Ugh I’ve been there. Many times. It’s a tough thing to realize and even tougher to remember when you’re in a situation where the temptation is strong. In most recovery programs, they talk about the concept of “people, places, and things” have you ever heard of it?


I have heard a little bit about that. I think it’s tough to even put myself in that position and it’s better to avoid it

Thank you! That helps to make it a positive lesson instead of punishing myself

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God could and would if He were sought.

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You didn't lose the sobriety you had. You just slipped only one night. You will feel better in a few days. Everything will be ok. Try not to look back too much and focus on just getting right back to it. Praying is what is most important.

Hey you’ve got this! Nothing good comes easy. I’ve had 2 relapses myself last year. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes but we can’t go back and change ANYTHING in the past. Whether is be something that happened 1 second ago or days ago. All you can do is put it behind you. Move forward and don’t look back. Alcohol was my problem too. Wishing you the best. You got this

Just remember you can't change the past, but you can prevent it from being repeated. Every choice you make shapes your future, and how your present comes to you. It does not change the past to dwell there.

Jump right back in!! I've been sober for about 17 years, BUT, my new date is 8 years ago. Even now, I stay away from situations that involve alcohol. If I have to be around it, I always have a way out. It's not about will power or being strong, but using the tools of recovery. You. Can. Do. This! One day at a time :smiley:

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