Took 78 days to piss clean. So now what?

Took 78 days to piss clean. I feel like i am so bored and lonely now that life is kinda pointless and dreary. Guess now i should what..make lots of money so that i can become a good consumer of things.??

Feeling pointless


Drinking and drugs are short term cures. It’s not enough to be sober. Go to meetings, share your story and you will find you are not alone. If you are not ready to share listen and you will find you are not alone.


Hi Ed,
Whatever your DOC was, it wasn't a friend of yours. It takes time to adjust to the old ways of coping and relieving pain. Alcohol and drugs are only symptoms of what's really going on with you. And me too. Examine your life; most issues begin in childhood, as you may know. That's what I did. Get to root first and foremost. If meetings work for you, great! Then attend. Therapy, exercise, and hobbies help you in your new life. I have God and my music. Meetings didn't work for me. Overall, be gentle with yourself. One second, one minute, and one day at a time. All the best to you.


Write down 10 things you dream of. If you do the work. Meeting s you will

Think about the 4 billion people who live in 3rd world countries and pray that they could live your life.


3 weeks sober quit collecting a white chip as this would be my 4th in the last 10 years, this time I really got depressed with an injury that had me in bed and was binging myself to the point that I did not care if I woke up the next morning. 3 ER visits and a detox program this last time I have been hitting meetings just to keep busy and keep focused on the positive, hell yesterday I went to five meetings! Man if AA is not for you I suggest finding the willpower to stay busy, get out of your routine even if it is sitting on a park bench!

You will find something to fill your time. Congrats on a clean pee.

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Most of my day went by today being busy. The second i stop DOING is when it all falls apart in my head. This is surely a safety function from surviving truama
Im sick of the 1 hour a week of therapy. Its not enough nor productive enough. Thanks for listening yall

Im praying to learn how to live my own life. .

Being alone and being lonely seem to be different concepts for me. Illook into this

So now day 79 you can take the next step, whatever that may be. Read a book. Listen to a podcast. Watch a speaker on YouTube. Teach your dog to play frisbee. Learn French. Delete Facebook. Something that you know in your gut will make a positive change in your life.

And go to a meeting.

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It often seems like that in the beginning. Things will get better as your system relearns how to function without chemical assistance.

It gets better at 79. Better at 80… only gets better. Keep doing what you are doing.

Great advice Nicole