Tomorrow will be 50 days, sober from alcohol

Tomorrow will be 50 days, sober from alcohol. Is it bad that I don't go to AA meetings? I've been to one, but really only to try to meet sober like-minded friends.. that didn't work. They just read out of the book. Still have no sober friends.. but my non-sober friends support me. 50 days sober, tomorrow.. I finally feel "normal." whatever that is.. I just wish I had a sober friend or two.(:


Hi John. Congrats on completing 7 weeks sober. :tada:

Did you attend meetings online? If so, that could be difficult to meet sober friends. You may try in-person meetings when they're available.

Have you looked at meetings similar to AA, such as: Recovery Dharma?





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Congratulations! AA meetings are great of you're trying to quit drinking. You can make friend and get to know ppl.

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Yes, I've met lots of people at meetings, both online and in person.

Congratulations!! Hope all is well. Life gets easier then more time we stick around. I love the aa community, it's perfect to meet people that are doing the same thing in life. We are friends in this app also, so glad to meet you. Reach out anytime

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Great work. Good luck to you!

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Keep going!! 51 days tomorrow! Rock on! I didn't care for the 1st AA meeting I attended either... u could always try a different one. Not all meetings center around the book. U might have just stumbled on reading from the big book that meeting. Try, try & try again. You'll find the right fit.

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That is great.

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Congrats. I'm looking for sober friends as well. Today is my first day, I found this app while looking for some kind of support group. Super stoked for your sobriety John keep it going. You're awesome.

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Hi John! Congrats on 50 days. I personally never liked AA meetings. There’s no one way to recover. However you feel comfortable should put you at ease :slight_smile:

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