Tomorrow is day 17! Super excited

Tomorrow is day 17!!! Super excited to spend it with my little one, she is my world. Need to stay sober for the marathon not just the sprint!! I am just doing my very best at this…

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Do it for yourself and she will reap the rewards.

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Keep it going and your life will just keep getting better.

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I'm excited for you Kris. You're almost to a month and are in this for the long haul. I'm excited for you as an individual and as a dad. I know having a sober parent means the world. My dad wasn't. I grew up in the same house with him. Most of my memories involves him being intoxicated. Majority of the sober memories are of him sleeping the day away and my brothers and I getting yelled at because we woke him up because we were talking or playing. Anytime another kid doesn't have to experience that my heart is happier. I know you don't owe me anything- but thank you for giving 1 more child a sober childhood.

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Ever memory you make is worth every step you take sober. It may not be easy but the reward will impact something that will change future generations. Be the best dad you know how to be.