Tomorrow I have court and may be getting my boy

Tomorrow I have court and may be getting my boy back or allowed to move into my moms with my son. Hes with her right now. Drugs and using leads to awful consequences no doubt. But since I got clean this time my life's been blessing after blessing. I'm actually happy. Please send up a prayer for my son and I. Coming up on 90 days clean and everything's falling into place.


That great you would think there nothing more important than your kids but dope an tell u different walk in eyes of god from now on

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definitely saying a prayer and sending positivity your way brotha

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Great job Andy! Keep up the awesome work :blush::pray::muscle:

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Thank you all! It makes my day to have some positive feedback! Having to isolate due to this virus is a bummer must be done. God bless you all.

I love hearing this… awesome job. That boy needs you. Keep it going. :heart:

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stay positive!

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An update… daadaaadaaaaaaa! The court has allowed me to move back into my moms to be with my son. Just have a legal issue to clear (past reckage) and to be sure I'm quarantined and safe for my moms sake. Then I can be back with my boy!!!! Yessssssss daddy is coming home my son!! I'm so stoked right now!


Hell yeah buddy that's great

I'm happy for you!

Great one Andy!! Roll on man :facepunch:t2:

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