Tommorrow will be my one year of sobriety

Tommorrow will be my one year of sobriety. I don"t know how to feel about it. Honestly pretty bittersweet. I know I just have to keep going, and the amount of time alone is really good. But i still feel odd. Anyone else like that? I thought I would be really proud and happy. Maybe my expectations were too high. Idk.


Sure. I've felt that way. Sometimes I even feel like a total failure because I had to get sober to begin with. My mood about it jumps around but good things are happening



Awwwn congratulations honey

Congratulations! One year is awesome

I don't know if u attend meetings or work the steps but there a life changer . Hope all goes well. Congrats on your year :100:

1 year is amazing. The mixed feelings is understandable. You are essentially celebrating a 1 year birthday. You were reborn a new person when you gave up alcohol. The same trepidation you felt as a child growing up would be understandable, after all this is a new way to be for you. Happy birthday.


I definitely felt that way around the one year mark. And most other year milestones after it. I think it’s important to just honor whatever emotions you’re experiencing as a result of it. There’s no rule that says you have to be jumping for joy or screaming from the rooftops. It’s perfectly ok to be unsure how you feel bout it at the moment ....

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But do try and honor yourself for your hard work and commitment, at some point :upside_down_face:

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Congratulations! I think thats amazing!

Amazing job! You deserve to feel happy that's such a great achievement!


I'm very proud of you.

Congratulations Girl :grinning:

Great job. Just keep going. You are still on a journey...

I celebrated 1 year yesterday 2/7. And I feel the exact same way. I was so excited at every other anniversary and so looking forward to the 1 year mark. It was definitely bittersweet. I am beyond grateful for my new life but also sad and angry that this is my life and I can't be nirmal.


I felt that