Today was rough. Realizing you have more people in your

Today was rough. Realizing you have more people in your life willing to get me high than help me eat, stay warm, succeed in life. I was already lonely but this realization just whew..

That's people Hyatt. I had a "friend" who took me to the bar for drinks on my 21st birthday. She was willing to pay whatever amount to get me drunk. I didn't drink as much as she thought I should and she stopped talking to me.

I have people in my life that would do the same and wouldn't make sure I had something to eat. I'm not sure why that's human nature.

Hang in there, bud.

You still in there Hyatt? It is a sad truth that people are a lot like crabs in a bucket. More than happy to help you stay down, even while trying to get up themselves.