Today was my third dry day stared to get the

Today was my third dry day stared to get the shakes and sweats bad heart rate was elevated and I felt so sick and out of it. Instead of buying a bottle or beer I took just one shot of something I had left over from my wedding I’m not planning on drinking anymore but dam I thought I was dying definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do :weary:

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The alcoholic mind tells you that a shot is the cure when in reality the shot is the cause.


Shakes. Sweats. Nausea. The shits. Insomnia. Light sensitivity. Depression. Chills. Exhaustion. Irritability. Anger. Resentment. Self pity.

These are symptoms of detox. But they are also tools of an alcoholic mind going to extreme lengths to protect and nurture the addiction.


I definitely understand. I have heart problems and other medical problems so I didn’t want to chance having a seizure or even going to the hospital right now. I might need to do a medical detox but 3 days dry was definitely my longest I’m a heavy daily drinker and smoker I quit smoking and drinking the same day which was probably not a great idea

You should probably see a doctor. Detox side effects can get very serious. they are even life threatening.


How are you feeling this morning?

I’ve been looking into a medical detox but I’m also already taking benzos for my mental health so when I went to the hospital that’s all they said they’d give me at the time and for me basically to just sleep it off

Keep your personal doctor apprised of the situation. Eric docs are trained to bounce people as quickly as possible. I was misdiagnosed by an E.R. and it nearly killed me.

How was today?

Getting an elevated heart rate when you're trying to come off alcohol is a sign that you should be under the care of a treatment center. At least in the beginning. I've been there and that is no laughing matter. If it's bad enough you eventually go into DT's.
Alcohol is all over the place and easy to get too but it's still the hardest drug in the world to stop and it's still very dangerous.

I already have heart problems too when I went to the hospital they just gave me more benzos and told me to sleep it off which I’ve been trying to do I’m on day 5 now and I’m very foggy and can barely get out of bed to do anything but use the bathroom

Benzodiazepines are a mf’er to get off of too.

I’m not a dr, but as a patient I’d seek a second opinion. Maybe from a doctor who is in recovery.

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I know man I’ve been on them for 4 years now and try a lot to get off them I get seizures when I try to even ween myself off wish I never even got prescribed them. And I’m definitely going to try and find someone else to help

Yes, but I'm not talking hospital here. I mean an actual treatment center for alcoholism.
I know a cardiologist doctor who is a vegan. He says that if his patients go on a whole food plant based diet, their heart problems along with other common issues disappear. That's what I have become. I've lost much weight and I'm told my blood pressure and cholesterol couldn't be better.
I'm 62
My profile pic is 3 yrs old.

Great idea!