Today was having cravings too drink sometimes this shit seems

Today was having cravings too drink sometimes this shit seems impossible. Don’t want too loose two months of sobriety.

Your going to feel like your going thru hell for a while it is called P.A.W. Post accuse withdraw!! It will get better the longer you stay clean! I’m an addict also I’ve been there and it is a bitch but worth it to hang in there for the healing!!!

Thanks bro yea I’m in a sober living program now and somedays feel heavy but I know going back too drinking will just pile it on.

Yeah it gets so much better with time

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When you feel the urge, play the scene all the way through.
You drink, get drunk, you wake up hung over, disgusted again with failure, starting over again.
Sooner or later you have to be willing to walk through the pain.

The pain will pass.
Also, try mixing some honey with Orange juice. It will help curb the cravings.

And remember what you're going through now the next time you want to drink and start all over.

Go to some AA meetings.

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You can do this bro. Keep fighting.

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