Today was hard, feeling worthless and depressed. She. I don't

Today was hard, feeling worthless and depressed. When I don't have a good night sleep my emotions going haywire.

No sleep does that to the best of us. You have to get out of your head space when depression shows up. You are stronger than you think. You made it to tonight. As far as worthless...I've never seen a single person who was without worth. You have effects on people you don't even know. Sometimes your daily routine makes someone else's day brighter. It could be the lady that works at the coffee shop that you were polite to I stead of acting like she is beneath you, or the guy who bagged your groceries that you called by name. Those small things make you of great worth. Try to sleep tonight and if depression comes back tomorrow try to make someone else's day better. You'd be surprised how quickly depression vanishes when you put a smile on the face of another.