Today’s My 1 month sober and I’m really struggling i

Today’s My 1 month sober and I’m really struggling i just want to use so bad


I made it to 3 months once before I fucked up. I hope you stay on the path Bc honestly it’s more than a struggle the dark side wants you back. Do something anything shoot sleep if you must to escape. Tylenol PM they do wonders

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Stay focused..!!!

Thanks for sharing! It will get better. Keep coming back.

First off all, congratulations! Call your sponsor right away if you haven’t done it yet. If you don’t have a sponsor call someone else in the program. Get some well deserved support right now. A month. Think of that. What an accomplishment. Do you really want to start all over again? Probably not. I will be a month sober next Wednesday. This is the first I ever tried to stop. Please stay with me on this journey. There are so many good things to come.

A month was a hard point. (For me). Keep your head up. Stay around people that respect what you’re doing. People places things.

And yes, congrats also. Took me 10 years+ of wishing I wasn’t me to give up and get 30.

A month is huge!! That’s amazing and you’ve proven to yourself that you can do it.

I agree a call to your sponsor or support system is a good idea too!!

Remember that our thoughts are fleeting they leave as quick as they come as long as you don’t manifest them

The first three months are the toughest. Stay busy with rebuilding your life one day at a time one moment at a time.
Repeat the serenity prayer as needed to gain strength from your higher power. The force that guides us through life is with us. Tap into this force and our lives are changed forever. Have a wonderful day filled with love and happiness and kindness and compassion for thy self.

Keep going!

I month you should still be struggling but stay focused you Can Do This. Ever need to chat im here for you.