Today marks 37 days clean!

Today marks 37 days clean!! This is the longest I’ve been clean since I was 13. Time to celebrate....with a new pair of shoes :partying_face:


Yes, shoes! :tada:

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Congrats on Day 37.

What kind of shoes do you want to purchase? I'm a sucker for high heels.


Same, girl! This time I’m getting custom air forces though. I’ve had my eyes on them for awhile. :heart_eyes:

Congrats :clap: That is over a month! :heart: Keep your eye on the are doing great!

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That is awesome, congratulations!:partying_face:

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Yay!! I’m about 45

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I love air force ones. Just not on my feet. :joy:

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Awesome congrats Alicia..

Congratulations Alicia ! Keep it going! You’ve got this.... As you know, one day at a time, & even one step at a time! We are here for you! To encourage, support, to be compassionate, caring, patient, tolerance, empathy, kindness, & Love! ! ! Reach out to me, or anyone here, anytime! Way to go! God Bless, love Peter