Today marks 2 years that I've been sober and drug

Today marks 2 years that I've been sober and drug free.

I used to be a heavy binge drinker and partier. Used various drugs especially meth. This was my 3rd go round in AA.

I lost my apartment and my wife of 7 yrs divorced me and i went on a downward spiral.

I found my bottom during my father's final years whole working and caring for him with the assistance of my son. (Father passed away june of last year)

I credit my success to getting a sponsor and working the steps. Which i never did before.
The lady time I had 2 years i left the program thinking that I knew better and didn't.

My friend passed away last july from an overdose. I am reminded how that could have been me and surely that is what awaits me if i fall off and relapse.

Today I'm greatful healthy and taking it a day at a time.