Today is the day 5 and it's Friday, weekend's are always real challenge for me ,always relapse hopefully not this weekend
Me too!
Create a game plan.
Write a list of people you can reach out to if you're struggling.
List some fun activities you can do.
Attend at least 2 meetings per day. Be sure to participate.
You can do this.
Let's be strong we can do this I guess
Never been to meetings .no people to reach out .IAM student so everyone Wana do party and go out . thinking to stay in my room just not think about outside world .gonna be boring for sure
You must learn to embrace alone time. You can still have fun.
Find a meeting. You want it bad enough?
Also replace that idle time with something intense and requiring effort. Find a new challenge
That's biggest challenge embrace alone but iam learning it .one day at time
Promise to post again Monday morning - be accountable - we will support you
Definitely Paul ,it's 11 51 pm Friday night made it sober today not gonna lie was tempted to get out ,two more days to go . definitely post on Monday if I made it .thank you
We can!!!
I’m here if you need someone who understands….
Thank you Christine that means allot
Never been to meetings or have sponsor ,I may look in to ,just always hide my problems and hate to talk about in public .may be it's time .glad that helps you
I let the weekend get to me. I was a mess last night. I didn’t do anything other than make a fool out of myself and look dumb. Definitely mad at myself but today is a new day. Let’s do this sober thing today my man.
Yeah I can relate .that's What I do most of the times .spend money act like fool maybe people laughing at me how stupid iam and then get sick next day and regret .@ Andrew we got this man today is new day be strong we got this