Today is the beginning of sobriety. I have struggled for

Today is the beginning of sobriety. I have struggled for nearly 3 years with alcohol. I no longer want to wake up with poison in my system.

Welcome Troy! Fabulous job for wanting to get sober for yourself. I actually have my homegroup meeting tonight at 7 (east coast time) it's a hybrid if you're interested:

Zoom Info:

Username: 875 4322 7467

Password: FOTS


Outstanding Troy! Welcome! Remember WE do this one day at a time. I just have to stay out of trouble for today. :+1::statue_of_liberty:

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Thank you so much for the invite

That's a great way to look at it!

You're welcome! The ‘room’ usually opens up 10 minutes beforehand.

Im in nearly the same boat ive been drinkin heavy for about 10 years. Ive finally had enough. Since the 10 years ive countlessly embarassed myself, lost hair, gained weight, look older, had several near death experiences, spent lots of $, developed chemical imbalances and sleep disorders. I literally cant do it anymore nd i told myself jan 1st that goimg to do whatever it takes to beat this. Since then ive ordered the aa big book and attend meetings regular working on a sponsor. Feeling like i can do it w\ structure nd support

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Keep on a positive mind set and you'll do great!!