Today is my first day without alcohol again. This is

Today is my first day without alcohol again. This is my final straw. I need friends


Be very careful what you ask for young lady a true friend will help you save your life by hurting your feelings and telling you the truth go to meetings get a sponsor start learning how to apply the spiritual principles that the steps are based off of you'll find out what the real problem is has nothing to do with drinking much love and respect

Hi there,
When you've had enough and sincerely want to make changes because you want to then the recovery can begin.
I suggest to get to the root causes of drinking. I don't obliviously don't know your whole story, but start there. Drinking is usually a symptom of underlying issues. I know it was for me anyway. When I dealt head-on with the trauma from the past, stress-related trauma,etc., I was well on my way to understanding and actively recovering. God gets all the credit here! All the best to you. You can do this.

Get a sponsor and join the 24/7 AA online zoom meeting ASAP.. Then get to an in person one. Love you :purple_heart: