Today is day 5 without a drink

Today is day 5 without a drink. This is the longest I've gone without drinking in over 10 years. Usually by day 5 I have a crazy migraine and I start to think well its been five days I can drink again. But not this time. Every day after today will be another win for me. I can tell my body is detoxing because I'm sweating with the house at 68 but i drank plenty of coffee and am allowing myself food often so no headache today.


Congrats! Stick with it. Its worth it. :blush:


Good job! Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.

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Great job Nichole. Don't give up the fight. I'm happy you've found alternatives so you don't give in.

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Congratulations. Keep it up

Thank you. I read somewhere that low blood surgery can trigger alcohol cravings in the afternoon so ive been trying to stay full at least for the first few days.

Stay hydrated. I hope day 6 is a win.