Today is day 3 of sobriety from alcohol. I decided

Today is day 3 of sobriety from alcohol. I decided to take this step to help myself but also to help my boyfriend who has been struggling with alcohol abuse issues for 2+ years. Our relationship and relationship with alcohol is not working. I don’t feel that I myself am addicted but I feel I have displayed unhealthy drinking habits and behaviors. I am doing this for myself because I want to be healthy and free from any feeling of dependence and be clearheaded to work on myself. I don’t know what I hope to find here in this community yet, but I’m open and I’m sure that as this journey continues I will appreciate the community and experience. Any tips for a newbie?


Mind altering substances change how we view reality, when reality is constantly being changed by a substance it seems hard to grasp the emotions and feeling surrounding you. I struggled with alcohol and marajaua addiction to only escape the feel good feeling of dopimine and saratonin to soon realize i struggled on how to love myself and others around me my whole life.


I am on day 8.. I’m here if you want to chat


Love the :bouquet:.

Great job on taking steps to become sober. Take it 1 day at a time. Build relationships with other sober folks. Reach out if you struggle. No matter what do not use.


Keep up the great work.

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Having a clear mind is any day better than a hangover.

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You are making an amazing wonderful decision to put your wellbeing first. Alcohol has taken soo much from some of us. Glad you are here :pray:


Continuing to meet like minded people is step one.. the people and places were huge for me at first. Meeting saved my life, I met genuine good people as I stayed long enough to give myself a chance. Keep doing the same thing day after day woth meetings and work, before I knew it life had changed. I changed. I worked the steps of aa and life has never been the same. 7 years sober now.

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I would advise keeping a distance between you and your boyfriend. Remember it's one thing to stop and it's another to stay stopped. Congrats on your decision to stop drinking. Take baby steps !

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You could consider sitting in on an alanon group. They are great for people in alcoholic relationships. You could just attend and listen to stories, meet people afterwards etc. No need to commit to anything other than an hour of your time.


Same here!! Day 3!!

I second an Alanon meeting. I've heard they are very accepting and I am planning to go to one as well. Even though I am an alcoholic, I have alcoholic parents. I think you are making a brave and wonderful decision to take control of your own health and help your relationship.

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